Vibrant voices, a spotlight on black excellence - Shawna

Part 2 of a 4 part series featuring African American Creatives and Pioneers right in your backyard.

Enter Shawna: Harmonizing Heritage and Modernity in Music

In the captivating realm of music, Shawna emerges as a vibrant embodiment of cultural fusion, seamlessly blending her Trinidadian heritage with contemporary influences to craft a distinctive musical narrative. Raised in a Trinidadian household, Shawna's formative years were steeped in the rich tapestry of Caribbean traditions, where music was not just entertainment but a soulful expression of identity and community.

From the tender age when the enchanting notes of the Steel-pan first caressed her ears, Shawna knew that music would be her lifelong companion. "Being from a Trinidadian background, the first instrument I was ever introduced to was the Steel-pan," she fondly recalls. This initial encounter sparked an enduring passion for musical exploration, propelling Shawna into the realm of piano lessons and beyond, where her journey as an artist truly began.

Drawing inspiration from icons such as Aaliyah and Michael Jackson, Shawna's creative canvas is filled with the vibrant hues of the '80s, '90s, and early 2000s eras. "My creative inspiration would be Aaliyah & Timberland… truly a magical duo that was so short-lived," she exclaims, reflecting on the transformative power of their collaborations. Michael Jackson's unbeatable spirit and unwavering dedication to his craft serve as a beacon of inspiration for Shawna, guiding her artistic pursuits with a steadfast resolve.

Describing her artistic style as intuitive, Shawna embraces spontaneity and authenticity in her creative process, allowing her instincts to guide her musical odyssey. "I create what comes and what feels best," she affirms, embodying a philosophy of uninhibited self-expression in her craft.

As a Black artist navigating the intricate labyrinth of the music industry, Shawna confronts a multitude of challenges, from stereotypes and misconceptions to the pervasive influence of a male-dominated narrative. Yet, despite the trials and tribulations, Shawna remains focused on her commitment to authenticity and self-empowerment, refusing to be confined by societal expectations or industry norms.

In her quest to amplify the voices of her community, Shawna strives to create a nurturing space for fellow creatives, fostering collaboration and camaraderie in an industry often fraught with competition and exploitation. Aside from her work in the music industry, she is also the CEO of “THE REALM”, a content creation, networking and marketing hub, dedicated to connecting creatives. "If I could be that person to help them along their creative process to express and heal from those things, then my role and artwork have done exactly what I intended it to do," she asserts, reflecting on the transformative potential of music as a catalyst for healing and empowerment.

Despite the strides made in recent years, Shawna believes there is still much work to be done in terms of representation and inclusivity within the creative space. She advocates for a reevaluation of industry priorities, urging a return to music's revolutionary roots and a renewed focus on substance and authenticity in an era dominated by fleeting trends and superficiality.

For young Black artists embarking on their own creative odysseys, Shawna offers a message of encouragement and empowerment, urging them to embrace their uniqueness and forge their own paths with unwavering determination. "JUST GO FOR IT! All of the noise in your head is just that. NOISE." she exclaims, rallying her peers to defeat the limitations imposed by society and carve out their own legacies in the books of music history.

In Shawna's world, music is not merely a form of artistic expression, but a transformative force that has the power to uplift, inspire, and unite communities across the globe. With boundless passion and unwavering resolve, she continues to redefine the boundaries of creativity, leaving an indelible mark on the world of music and beyond.


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